mysql-snmp 1.0 - SNMP monitoring for MySQL
I’m really proud to announce the release of the version 1.0 of mysql-snmp. What is mysql-snmp? mysql-snmp is a mix between the excellent MySQL Cacti Templa...
I’m really proud to announce the release of the version 1.0 of mysql-snmp. What is mysql-snmp? mysql-snmp is a mix between the excellent MySQL Cacti Templa...
At Days of Wonder we are huge fans of MySQL (and since about a year of the various Open Query, Percona, Google or other community patches), up to the point w...
Thanks to Days of Wonder the company I work for, I’m proud to release in Free Software (GPL):
When I wrote my previous post titled all about storedconfigs, I was pretty confident I explained everything I could about storedconfigs… I was wrong of cours...
Since a long time people (including me) complained that storeconfigs was a real resource hog. Unfortunately for us, this option is so cool and useful.
From time to time we get some complaints about so-called Puppet memory leaks either on #puppet, on the puppet-user list or in the Puppet redmine.
Since a few months we are monitoring our infrastructure at Days of Wonder with OpenNMS. Until this afternoon we were running the beta/final candidate versio...