Puppet Camp 2009 debriefing time!
I attended Puppet Camp 2009 in San Francisco last week. It was a wonderful event and I could meet a lot of really smart developers and sysadmins from a lot of different countries (US, Australia, Europe and even Singapore).
The format of the event (an unconference with some scheduled talks in the morning) was really great. Everybody got a chance to enter or propose a discussion topic they care about. I could attend some development sessions about the Ruby DSL vs Parser DSL, Code smells, Puppet Provider/Type developments, Augeas, and so on…
Morning talks were awesome. I was presenting a talk about storeconfigs, called “All About Storeconfigs”. Puppet Storeconfigs is a feature where you can store nodes configuration and export/collect resources between nodes with the help of a database. I already talked about this in a couple of posts:
- Storeconfigs (advanced) use cases
- OMG!! storedconfigs killed my database!
- All about Puppet storeconfigs
You can enjoy the recording of the session (event though they cut the first part which is not that good), and have closer look to my slides here:
What’s great with those conferences in foreign countries is that you usually finish at the pub with some local people to continue to share Puppet (or not) experiences. Those parties were plenty of fun, so thank you everybody for this.
So thanks everybody and Reductive Labs team (especially Andrew who organized everything) for this event, and thanks to Days of Wonder for funding my trip!